After consulting with a couple of artist friends (Thanks Mom and Bhavna for the advice.) I decided the altered book I blogged about two weeks ago needed something more to make it complete. First, I added paper from one of the original book pages to the spine area to cover up the dark brown. Then I had an epiphany one night and realized I could make a spiral to fit into the spine. I worked on a prototype and it fit! So I made a few more using strips from the book's pages. In the end I needed 7 pages or 56 inches of length to make a spiral that measured 9 inches long. Below are pictures of the strips being folded with before and after pictures of the altered book.
The strip on the left was the prototype. I unfolded it so I could repeat all the measurements and scoring in the correct orientation.
Here are the first 5 strips creased.
Before the spine was decorated.
How the spine looks now. The center spiral is really 7 small spirals joined together.
Before the spiral.
After the spiral was added.
More views showing how all the spirals interact.
Before the spiral.
After the spiral was added.