San Diego Book Arts Member Show

I am finally posting something on a Wednesday, hurray!! Happy New Year and welcome to another blog post about saving ideas and letting them ferment until they become something interesting. I have tried many, many times to create a book using the pair of pink gloves pictured below. I even had the signatures sewn in at one point, only to remove them and start again. I tried watercolor, cut paper, dried flowers, having paper poke through from one page to another and nothing felt or looked right. Last night I was thinking about the theme for this year's

San Diego Book Arts Member Show

(Cerchez la Femme) and thought of this book again. I think the egg in the center of the cupped hands works as a nod to fertility and the paper butterfly emerging speaks to new life. I am finally happy with the pink glove book. I may refine the look over the next few months, or even add something to the pages, but for now I am just happy to be on the right track with a book that has been sitting in a drawer for years; waiting to be used.
