Graphic 45 Mini Albums

Today I am posting pictures of several mini albums. I think I fell in love with Graphic 45 when I was searching You Tube for crafting videos and stumbled upon the world of mini albums. Two people who make amazing albums and offer tutorials are xannero1 (Anne) and SoMuchScrap (Cathy). The Botanical Tea album pictured below was made using some of Cathy's (So Much Scrap) tutorial pages. Thank you to everyone who shares their creations and love of crafting on the web. I hope my pictures inspire you to create something beautiful.

P.S. This post is also my entry for the Craft Hoarders Anonymous blog challenge #3. I have been collecting vintage photos for many years and these mini albums are the perfect place to show them off.

 G45 Botanical Tea 8 x 8 mini album

 Vintage photos  on display

 I love the interactive pages in this album and the paper colors work well 

with the sepia tones of the vintage photos.

 Last pages of the Botanical Tea Album

 G45 Communique 8 x 6 Album. I like clean lines and letting the beauty of the papers shine in this album. The reds, blacks and masculine patterns work well with the album for a WWII soldier whose original scrapbook was falling apart.

 First pages

 Newspaper clipping and names and addresses of the servicemen who attended the party.

 Pictures of the Wireless school in Calgary and tourist pictures from Niagara Falls taken by Gordon.

 G45 Bird Song 4.5 x 6 Album, I used Japanese washi paper and silk book cloth for the covers.

Love the blues and pinks together.

These papers offer so much room for creating your own designs.