Gina Pisello

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Sometimes I'm Jagged on the Inside

I have a new accordion folded sculpture to share with you today. A few days ago I was wondering what the

Turkish Map Fold

would look like if I used rectangular paper instead of square paper to fold it. Then I got to thinking about the fold for the insert I used in

The Road to Spring


Companion Star

. Could it also be folded with rectangular paper? The answer is yes, and it makes a very interesting asymmetrical shape. Next I wondered if there was a way to fold this new shape from an accordion folded sheet of paper so that the parts would be connected to each other. This was tricky and took some fiddling, but in the end I was able to create the sculpture you see below. Later in the day a name came to me and it is the title of this blog post.

Here are some pictures showing the folding process. Enjoy!


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Finished piece.

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Single folded unit.

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I taped together several single units to figure out where I needed to cut the accordion and make a continuous folded sculpture.

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Step 1: accordion fold then fold diagonals. Then cut the paper as shown.

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Step 2: Collapse the paper along the diagonals.

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Step 3: Fold in the triangle sides. Notice how one side has a small triangle and the other side is larger, but they don't overlap. This creates the asymmetrical look.

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Step 4: All the triangle sides are creased. Now just inside reverse fold all of them to create the final shape.