Gina Pisello

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Inaugural Post

Dear Everyone,

Welcome to my shiny new blog. I will be posting projects, tutorials, and other paper art related ideas here. I plan to post every Wednesday. I hope you will join me here to see what I am creating this week. 

There is one thing I want to make very clear right now... This will mainly be a pictorial blog. I will try not to bore you with unnecessary asides or musings on non-paper related topics. So, sit back, scroll down, relax and enjoy my recent paper creations.



  Graphic 45 Once Upon a Springtime Accordion Book w/ attached tunnel

  Graphic 45 Springtime tunnel portion of book

  Graphic 45 Accordion Book using Steampunk Debutante 

  Irra's Birthday Card Flag Book in Morse Code and Braille

Graphic 45 Gallery Book with Couture and Ladies Diary Papers